Friday, October 17, 2014

Perception is bull.

Generally, if you practice yoga regularly or are a yoga teacher, a few perceptions might surround you.

And...these perceptions are bull crap.

That's why I aim to dispel these perceptions IMMEDIATELY.

One of the discussions that took place during my second day of yoga teacher training involved vegetarianism. The instructor of the class asked everyone: "Is anyone here vegetarian?" There are ten people in our class. Only three raised their hands. We discussed how it seems that there is a general notion that all people who practice yoga do not eat meat or animal products. Based on our class, this is obviously not the case!

Then she said, "Does anyone meditate?" As soon as that word -  meditate -  was said, I gasped. I felt out of place - naked, in a sense.

Get this, you guys. I DON'T MEDITATE. In fact, I'm still a skeptic of if. I wonder even if it'll really help me at all. I do hear about it pretty often from yoga peers, health Web sites, and resources where I've learned how to cope with anxiety (in the past, I sought professional help for it). I just haven't taken the leap to try it. I know I haven't made the time but, again, I wonder if the time investment is worth it. I keep reading that it is. Part of me doesn't even want to believe it. I'm a complete and total Type A personality - let's chock it up to that.

Get this. When she asked the class, only ONE person raised their hand. I was relieved!

Based on this - does the average yogi meditate? NOPE!

Does the average yogi WANT to meditate? Maybe.

Do we all want to find a way to bring more peace to our lives? Probably.

One of our assignments is to try to meditate. We're supposed to start with a minute the first day, then add on an another minute each day - and then keep a meditation up for 10 minutes every day.
I'll be honest with you guys. I have no desire to meditate. Again, I'm a huge skeptic. I have a feeling I'm really going to struggle with this assignment. I'm kind of hoping that my perception of what meditation is and what it can do for me changes. I guess we'll see.

One final perception that can totally be blown out of the water about yogi people is that everyone is young and svelte and looks like a professional dancer or model. To me, this is the most hilarious perception that exists in the yoga world.

Are most people who practice yoga and/or teach it fit? Yes, they probably are. But does that mean they're skinny minnies? Absolutely not!

All of the others students attending yoga teacher training are from a variety of walks of life. A few are still in college while two are over 45. Most are mothers. And NO ONE looks like a model. And EVERYONE eats when it's lunchtime! (In fact, I gave props to a fellow student who was eating a few hard-boiled eggs as they're one of my favorite foods and I pretty much always get teased when I'm seen eating them! AND...yet another gal and I gushed over our love of quality wine. Yogis indulge, y'all!)

Basically what I'm trying to say is that what is heard and assumed regarding the lifestyle of someone who enjoys yoga can be wrong. As are most perceptions about anything and anyone. What is assumed is, in most cases, wrong. Perception is bull!

Peace and love and TRUTH to you!


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